Maya Indira Ganesh is a Berlin-based technology researcher and writer with a hybrid portfolio of work across arts and cultural organisations, industry, academia and NGOs. Her doctoral research investigates the interaction of computational techniques with cultural narratives in shaping notions of machine autonomy, and traces how the role of the human is evolving in this. Maya’s other research interests include: gender, feminism and technology; digital security and privacy practices and politics; affective computing and affective infrastructures; and big data and discrimination. In May 2019 she was appointed as a research associate at the Artificial Intelligence and Media Philosophy research group at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG), Germany, on a one-year Volkswagen Foundation grant,‘AI and the Society of the Future’. lives in Berlin and has done research in India, sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia. Before transitioning into the academic world, Maya spent 15 years working at the intersection of human rights and technology on projects that have taken her across India, South East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. More about her work:
Maya Ganesh